New Year, New Garden! – Signature Statues

Architectural & Garden Stone Specialists | Free U.K. Delivery | Handcrafted in Great Britain |

New Year, New Garden!

During these uncertain times, it is important that we still keep ourselves motivated and busy doing the things we love as much as we can. This blog post will hopefully give some ideas of what you can do in your garden in 2021, whether is to improve what you already have, or if you are getting into a brand new hobby of gardening! By the summer you will have a flourishing garden!



Want to start planting some flowers but need some ideas? Stone Planters & Troughs are a brilliant place to start!

Simply plant your flowers, water, and watch them grow! The stone planters slowly wear away after time making them subtly fit into your garden with an antique look. 

If you would like to see some examples of our stone troughs please see the link below:


Wooden planters are also a great way to show of your plants, flowers, or vegetables! They come in all different shapes and sizes,  some single planters, and some tiered. Here are some examples of wooden planters. 

If you would like advice and guidance on filling your wooden planter, the following website has detailed instructions on how to do so:

Why not take a look at the wooden planters we hand make here at Signature Statues:


Hopefully this blog post has given some fresh start up ideas for your garden for 2021!



Signature Statues



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